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1. Publisher information
This site is published by: ADAGIO SAS, a French Simplified Joint Stock Company [Société par Actions Simplifiée] with capital of €1,000,000, Paris Trade & Companies Register N° RCS PARIS 503.938.110, registered office: L’Artois – Espace Pont de Flandre – 11 rue de Cambrai – 75947 in Paris (France). The intra-community VAT Identification No for ADAGIO SAS is FR 84 503 938 110.
Director of publication
Xavier Desaulles
Tel: +33 (0)1 55 26 32 00
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In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, change or remove the personal details you have provided to ADAGIO SAS.
All requests should be directed to:
Adagio - Direction du Marketing L'Artois – Espace Pont de Flandre – 11 rue de Cambrai
75947 à Paris (France).
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All elements appearing on this site, including the domain name, the Adagio trademark, logos, corporate names, drawings, illustrations, photos, text, graphics and other files, are protected by current intellectual property law. Adagio SAS either owns these elements or has obtained permission to use them.
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Authorised copies of part or all of the website content must contain the following statement:"Property of Adagio SASS". The photos on the site may differ from the actual products.
Any other use of the site or the elements thereof that has not been expressly authorised will constitute an infringement of Adagio SAS's rights and be punishable under Articles L 355-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
4. Adagio's rights as a database producer
All customers, prospective customers and partners have a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and inalienable right to view the information held on the site for their own requirements and to book an aparthotel.
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5. Liability
All information accessible via this website is supplied as is. ADAGIO SAS cannot provide an explicit or implicit guarantee, or accept any responsibility, for the use of this information.
Users shall bear full responsibility for use of this information. ADAGIO SAS reserves the right to change, and specifically to up-date, the site content at any time.
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ADAGIO SAS shall do everything within its power to offer users information and/or tools that are readily available and reliable but cannot be held liable for any errors, unavailable information and/or viruses on its site.
ADAGIO SAS has no control over the non-ADAGIO SAS sites which have a hypertext link to its site and so cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. Users shall bear full responsibility for use of these sites.
6. Cookies
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8. Message service
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9. Important
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10. Internal Whistleblowing System
In accordance with current regulations, Adagio has implemented an internal whistleblowing system that allows reporting of any crime, offense, legal violation, or breach of its Code of Ethics. Reports can be submitted via the dedicated platform:
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