Aparthotel in Ivory Coast

Basilique de Yamoussoukro

All our aparthotel in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Appart hotel in Ivory Coast

Whether you travel to Ivory Coast for business or pleasure, you will find what you’re looking for here. A destination of choice for travellers seeking cultural experiences, the country is packed with historic monuments, exceptional natural sites and amazing beaches. It’s only a short trip from* the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, the second highest Christian building in the world, to the white sandy beaches. We will accompany you on your trip to Ivory Coast, with an itinerary that takes you to the two capital cities, Yamoussoukro and Abidjan. You’ll also discover Ivorian cuisine, including alloco (fried plantain), garba (an assortment of attiéké and fried fish) and sweet doughnuts called “aller-retour”, which are so good you will want to go back for more! Your journey to Ivory Coast starts here!

Where should I start my trip to Ivory Coast?

Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, it’s impossible to make a trip to Ivory Coast without seeing the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro. Built in the 1980s, it is one of the largest churches in the world and can accommodate up to 18,000 worshippers. It is adorned with colourful stained glass windows and impressive mosaics that tell the story of the Catholic religion in Africa. Visitors can also admire a large 7-metre-high bronze cross, as well as a monumental organ with over 7,000 pipes supplied by France.

A little further north, you will find the weavers’ village of Bomizambo. It is famous for its artisans who weave traditional cotton fabrics by hand, using age-old techniques handed down from one generation to the other. Visitors can discover the different weaving techniques and watch the artisans at work on their looms. For those who prefer nature, there are plenty of walks in the area for you to discover the region during your trip to Ivory Coast.

Heading south to Abidjan, the Pearl of the Lagoons. The Plateau, Abidjan’s famous business district, the great Salam Mosque in the Plateau, the Treichville market... There’s so much for you to discover in this fascinating country! Visit the Musée National du Costume in Abidjan to learn how African fashion has evolved over the centuries, and understand the cultural and social influences that have given life to these styles.

If you prefer the beach to the city, this itinerary will also take you to the coast where you can enjoy the sea for as long as you like. The calm waters of Grand-Bassam beach near Abidjan are perfect for family outings. You can enjoy a range of activities, from water skiing to a seaside restaurant. If you’re looking for a white sandy beach with coral reefs which attract divers, head for San Pedro beach (in the south-west of Ivory Coast*). Finally, those seeking thrills and sensations in the form of surfing or windsurfing can head to Grand Lahou beach. It is located around 120 km west of Abidjan. This beach is surrounded by lush tropical forests and offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean.

Don’t miss out on Ivorian specialities!

They are known for being spicy, which doesn’t always mean hot. However, if you don’t like hot food, don’t hesitate to tell the waiter in the restaurant. Culinary specialities you don’t want to miss include attiéké, one of the most popular dishes in Ivorian cuisine. It is made by steaming fermented cassava semolina and served with fish, chicken and vegetables.   This traditional Ivorian dish is made from plantain bananas and cassava, boiled together and then rolled into a ball, and served with meat or fish. Finally, you can round off your Ivorian culinary journey with some of the country’s finest fruits, including mango, papaya and pineapple.