Appart Hotel in Heidelberg
Heidelberg's historic city center, pedestrian streets and beautiful facades make it a wonderful place to visit. Once you've settled into the apartment hotel you've booked, you'll have the pleasure of discovering the city's many sights, whether you're with your family, your loved ones or your friends.
Heidelberg Castle
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These prices are the "starting from" prices.
They correspond to the lowest total price available on the dates requested, based on one accommodation (room, bed, etc.) or other services.
They may be based on different types of room/apartment or services. Depending on the country, these prices may not include taxes, may include VAT only or may include all taxes (VAT and city tax). When prices do not include all taxes, the relevant taxes (VAT and/or city tax) will be stated in the following stages of the booking process. The price is only guaranteed at the time of reservation.
Foreign currency conversions are given as guidance only and are non-binding.